Challenging Days

posted in: Miscellany | 0

In a recent conversation with a friend, the comment was made that these are crazy days in which we are living. I believe to a certain degree that is true! While our lives have not drastically changed, there is an ongoing change in our society.

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” (Proverbs 24:10)

We must keep our eyes on Jesus; expecting His return, knowing He is in ultimate control! Don’t allow life challenges to harden your heart. Let them empower your mind, renew your spirit, and strengthen your soul!

The challenges of today will strengthen your tomorrow. For every life-challenge we encounter there is an opportunity for growth in our Christian life.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

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