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Joy is not a luxury or a mere accessory in the Christian life. It is the sign that we are really living in God’s wonderful love, and that love satisfies us. Andrew Murray

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

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He who guided Noah through the flood, fed the prophet by the brook, supplied the widow with oil, watched over the imprisoned apostles, and numbers every hair on our heads, is also the One who watches over us and says, … Continued

Happy Labor Day!

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As we think of Labor Day, let us look at our labor for the Lord. In Matthew 5:16 we are told to let our light shine — we are to be lamplighters for Him. We read of the old lamplighters … Continued

Quote of the Week

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Unless we form the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in trouble, we cannot fully respond to its consolations because we lack equilibrium between light and darkness. Helen Keller

Call to Glory

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Call to Glory devotionals for September are available in the vestibule. These are an excellent tool to help in your personal devotions. Come and pick one up on Sunday!