Quote of the Week
A true friend is someone who always remembers your birthday, but forgets your age!
A true friend is someone who always remembers your birthday, but forgets your age!
A man who loved old books met an acquaintance who had just thrown away a Bible that had been stored in the attic of his ancestral home for generations. “I couldn’t read it,” the friend explained. “Somebody named Guten-something had … Continued
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. ~ A. J. Heschel
Simon Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Which ear did he cut off? (John 18:10)
Study it to be wise, Believe it to be safe, Practice it to be holy. Study it through, pray it in, work it out, note it down, pass it on. ~ J. Wilbur Chapman
Kids like vacation time! This past week public school classes were started again. Most children enjoy the fellowship with other students, sports, and other activities that give them the opportunity to work with teammates to be victorious, and they enjoy … Continued
We live in a changing world. Because of the insecurity all around us, we need a strong support. How reassuring it is to know that God’s Word is settled, steadfast and unfailing; that it is always fresh, always new, always … Continued
Who was older of the two brothers – Abel or Cain? (Genesis 4:1-2)
Our pastor and his wife are celebrating their wedding anniversary today! May they enjoy many more years!
Apollos was a: (A) King (B) God (C) Learned Jew (D) Tent Maker (Acts 18:24)