Pardon the Delay

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The Call to Glory devotional for May is likely to be a little late, as shipping has delayed it. We will update you when we know more.

Church Offerings

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One concern many churches – including ours – are facing during this time is being able to pay bills and support missionaries. While we are able to cover immediate outgo, it can become a concern as time goes on. To … Continued


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We are excited about the beginning of March: a time when flowers begin to bloom and the birds are heard singing. March 19th marks the beginning of Spring and the warmer temperatures are just around the corner. March also brings … Continued


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A missionary translator was struggling to find a word for obedience, but he couldn’t. The next day he called his dog to him, and the dog came running. A national said, “Your dog was all ear.” This gave the translator … Continued

Trust in God

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A traveler crossed a frozen stream in trembling fear one day,Later, a teamster drove across, and whistled all the way. Great faith and little faith alike were granted safe convoy,But one had pangs of needless fear, the other, all the … Continued

Christian Love Is…

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Silence when your words would hurt, Patience when your neighbor’s curt. Deafness when the scandal flows, Thoughtfulness for another’s woes. Promptness when a stern duty calls, Courage when misfortune falls.

Free Publications

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We offer Call to Glory (monthly) and Feature (quarterly) devotionals free to those who will use them, as well as a copy of the Sword of the Lord newspaper to each family. Don’t miss these great Christian publications!