Summer 2020

posted in: Miscellany | 0

June 20th was the official day that marks the beginning of summer, but Memorial Day is the day most people view as the beginning of summer activities and vacations. July 4th is the major holiday of Independence Day and marks the time when many take a couple of weeks off work, but due to the covid-19, many are not planning on a trip or vacation for fear of getting the coronavirus.

Next Sunday will be the July 4th weekend, and we will have a flag pin for each person in attendance as we celebrate our nation’s birthday and recognize our great land of liberty. There is a real threat to America as we know it. We need to hold to the values and Constitution that has made America the land of choice for most of the world. Let’s celebrate what we still have and determine to keep our country strong! And let’s join in together to put God back in our nation’s life on a daily basis!

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