Coronavirus (Covid-19)

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Covid-19 is definitely on the news a lot these days. This virus is trying to dominate our life. So far, Alabama has not been severely affected, but we are feeling the results of it. Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands and keep away from folks with a “cough and fever.” This deadly virus has affected all of the world. In the USA, we have had many folks that have come in contact with the virus and quite a few have died.

Here at Southgate, we would caution on shaking hands and encourage hand washing and using hand sanitizer (we have some available in the foyer).

Also, the local nursing homes are locked down and do not allow visitors. This is probably a very small glimpse of what the tribulation time will be like when God will pour out His wrath of judgment on the whole earth. Just know that we are safe in Jesus’ hands, and we will not be going through the tribulation!

We will continue services as possible; if you are sick or weak physically, please stay home. This Wednesday (March 18) there will be no midweek service.

We are praying for our nation!

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