
posted in: Miscellany | 0

We are living in a day of change! We are always dealing with change. We just changed from Daylight Savings Time to regular time. We have gone from hot weather temperatures to freezing temperatures at night. Things are constantly changing in our lives: sickness, family, financial situations, job conditions, friendships, and spiritual. Change is a part of our lives!

What a blessing when we got saved and our lives began to change! The one thing that never changes is God. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

But we have been told that spiritual change will occur in our world for the worse. In fact, we are told that things “shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” – meaning that sin is going to get worse, that there will be a spiritual falling away in the last days. (Last days is speaking about the time prior to the Lord’s return).

Some things are okay to change. A new cell phone is okay, but we can’t treat the LORD the same way! He still saves the same way, and keeps the same way! Let us seek to please the Lord in a day of change.

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