Whether You Like It or Not

posted in: Miscellany | 0

February, for us here in Scottsboro, AL, has been a lot about rain! Looking at the trees this week, I have seen many buds on the trees – the pear trees are beginning to bloom which is a sure sign that spring is just around the corner! Spring officially starts on March 20th which is less than four weeks away! While the northern United States is still dealing with snow and ice, here in Alabama we are dealing with flooding with plenty of rain!

The same is true in our spiritual lives: There are good times and hard times, and we long for the beautiful days of joy and happiness. Whether we like it or not there will be times of trials and testing. The Lord promises that the rainbow signifies there will be an end to the rain and the skies will turn to a wonderful sunny blue! In our spiritual life He promises to never leave us or forsake us and that His strength is sufficient for every need. For the Christian, Heaven and all its glory is just around the corner! Like the budding tree, life goes on whether we like it or not!

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