Bible Question of the Week
Who was thrown into a fiery furnace with Shadrach and Meshach? (Daniel 3:23)
Test your knowledge of the Bible with these questions.
Who was thrown into a fiery furnace with Shadrach and Meshach? (Daniel 3:23)
Who was the mother of Joseph, the ruler of Egypt? (1) Sarah(2) Rachel(3) Ruth(4) Naomi
What race of people did the Jews think of as outcasts? (A) Samaritans(B) Corinthians(C) Sadducees(D) Egyptians (John 4:9)
Who had a new name after a night of wrestling? (Genesis 32:24-32)
What was Peter’s mother-in-law healed from when Jesus touched her hand? (1) leprosy(2) fever(3) blindness(4) malaria (Matthew 8:14-15)
Whom did Paul take with him instead of John Mark on a later journey? (1) Silas(2) Barnabas(3) Peter(4) Luke (Acts 15:36-40)
Which one of these did Pharaoh not dream about? (1) Stars(2) a river(3) corn(4) cows (Genesis 41:1-8)
Who was taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire? Jesus Elijah Elisha Moses 2 Kings 2:11
How many fish did Jesus use to feed over 5,000 people along with some loaves? Matthew 14:16-21
What prophet called fire down from heaven to burn the sacrifice on the altars soaked with water? (1 Kings 18:30-39)