Bible Question of the Week
This person was brought water from the well at Bethlehem, but poured it out on the ground because it was brought to him at great risk. Who was this person? (2 Samuel 23:15-16)
Test your knowledge of the Bible with these questions.
This person was brought water from the well at Bethlehem, but poured it out on the ground because it was brought to him at great risk. Who was this person? (2 Samuel 23:15-16)
Jesus said to His disciples, “…lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to _____________.” (John 4:35)
What were the weather forecasts that Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees? (Matthew 16:1-3)
Jonah was called by God unto the nation of Ninevah to cry out against its wickedness and to repent. Jonah found a ship going to _______________ instead. (Jonah 1:3)
In the parable of the ten virgins, five of them were wise and five were foolish. Why were the foolish ones foolish? (Matthew 25:1-3)
What was the name of the disciple who was released from prison by an angel? (Acts 12:5-11)
What was the name of a leper who was also the captain of the host of the King of Syria? (2 Kings 5:1)
What was the name of the man who escaped from Damascus in a basket? (Acts 9:23-25)