Bible Question of the Week
Which prophet controlled the rain and caused a drought? 1 Kings 17:1-7
Test your knowledge of the Bible with these questions.
Which prophet controlled the rain and caused a drought? 1 Kings 17:1-7
Which of these were known for long hair: Methuselah, Rebekah, Noah, or Absalom? (2 Samuel 14:26)
Who broke the tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them? (Exodus 32:19)
To what old childless couple of the New Testament did God promise a baby? (Luke 1:5-17)
When Jesus told His mother, “Mine hour is not yet come,” He meant He was not ready to: (1) die(2) preach(3) go to Heaven(4) do a miracle (John 2:1-11)
While Joseph was in prison, he interpreted dreams for two men. What were their occupations? (Genesis 40:1-9, 16)
There were two special trees in the Garden of Eden. One was the Tree of Life. Name the other one.
After Jesus fed 5000 men, how did He get out to the middle of the Sea of Galilee? (Matthew 14:22-27)
Two sounds made the walls of Jericho fall. One was a shout. What was the other? (Joshua 6:20)
Who was the first person in the Bible to sin?